Massage Therapy

Specialised massage therapy of your choice : Remedial, Relaxation, Sports, therapeutic, Lymphatic drainage.
Massage therapy affects your entire body, the the areas presenting with discomfort alone! Whether required for rehabilitation and restorative care or some simple relaxation, a massage can help bring balance to your body helping to restore an overall feeling of wellbeing.

Suzie customizes every massage for her clients which ensures they receive the best care possible to achieve their health goals. Some common reasons for treatment include:

-Rehabilitation from injury -neck and shoulder pain arising from -prolonged screen-based tasks -muscle pain from sports injury -headaches and chronic neck pain -work-related stress and general fatigue -preparation or recovery from travel -pregnancy aches and pains

Suzie customizes every massage for her clients which ensures they receive the best care possible ... Read More

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Located at: 287 Military Rd, Suite 14, Cremorne
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